Micro Focus Cobol Workbench Downloads

Walker turner drill press parts. COBOL sp2, The 100% COBOL Solution for Graphical User Interface Development A Brief Summary of COBOL sp2 COBOL sp2 is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development tool which was designed specifically for professional COBOL programmers. COBOL sp2 allows you to add a GUI interface to your COBOL application using 100% native COBOL CALL USING statements and Working Storage parameters. With COBOL sp2, your entire source program can be written in ANSI standard COBOL. The COBOL sp2 CALL's and screen definitions are 100% portable across all the major COBOL compilers and even portable from text mode to GUI mode environments. Your COBOL application written using COBOL sp2 is a 100% true Microsoft Windows application.
Our COBOL sp2 Dynamic Link Library (DLL) which is CALLed from your COBOL application is written in C and directly invokes the Microsoft Windows APIs and utilizes the Microsoft Windows Resource Files. The Components of COBOL sp2 A Panel Editor which is an interactive window painting tool; A Code Generator which generates COBOL source code; A Runtime System for advanced screen display in COBOL programs; and A set of very powerful optional add-on tools to allow you to save more time and build the most modern applications possible. Here is a screen capture showing the COBOL sp2 Panel Editor: No Need to Write Windows API Calls or a New Programming Language with COBOL sp2 Application Program Interface code, or API code, is an option for displaying GUI screens from a COBOL application. Because COBOL sp2 allows developers to continue writing in ANSI Standard COBOL 85 CALL USING statements to control screen handling, all of your applications can be written using ANSI standard COBOL instead of in much more complex and cryptic event driven code or a new programming language.
COBOL sp2 is a Superior Alternative to API Code for GUI screens in a COBOL Application COBOL sp2 is superior to API code for GUI implementation in a COBOL application because COBOL sp2 allows you to control screens with a 100% COBOL programming interface. API code is more like C Language code than COBOL. Using API code in a COBOL application is like writing a mixed language program.

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Using API code, maintenance costs will accelerate in the future, because program modification and debugging become more complex. In addition, your COBOL source debugger may not even work with embedded API code in your COBOL program. COBOL sp2 is 100% portable across many environments, API code is not. Windows API code is very different than API code for other environments. Additionally, there is no API code for UNIX character-based environments. If you want to run the software in multiple environments, your programming staff must support multiple versions of your source program. If you decide to change environments in the future, your staff must re-write the API code for the new environment.