
Perbedaan Windows 2000 Windows Xp Windows Vista

Perbedaan Windows 2000 Windows Xp Windows Vista Average ratng: 5,0/5 4520 reviews

Windows XP pertama kali dirilis pada 25 Oktober 2001, dan lebih dari 400 juta salinan instalasi digunakan padaJanuari 2006, menurut perkiraan seorang analis IDC. Windows XP digantikan oleh Windows Vista, yang dirilis untuk penggunavolume license pada 8 November 2006, dan di seluruh dunia untuk masyarakat umum pada tanggal 30 Januari 2007. Jun 3, 2016 - The Blackcomb release of Windows started slipping, so an interim release. That's when I knew that it might be a good idea to stick with XP until further notice. WinNT4 and 2000 got several of the Cairo inovations. If Microsoft had been more realistic about their 'certified for Vista' specs.

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WinFS wasn't a filesystem, but implemented upon NTFS as filesystem filter driver and dotNet based service, the files were stored in a hidden directory (SQL Server Compact and raw files with generated filenames in sub folders). The dotNet service was just very slow. The original vision of 'information at your fingertip' was behind the Cairo project. And Cairo had an object stored in the NTFS filesystem driver. WinNT4 and 2000 got several of the Cairo inovations. Well, some hidden APIs were still left in (at least in WinXP era).

I think Longhorn was in large where we have now finally got with Windows 8 and onwards (not 7). An OS with core apps written in.NET, an object oriented data management system in Powershell.

PS unites e.g Windows Registry and common files under the same umbrella. Windows 10 also completes the vision of a shared OS for all appliances. Unfprtunately I think it took MS too long to get here. Other vendors got to the home appliances part before them, which is mind boggling given the traction MS had once upon a time.

Aside from UAC. The biggest issue with Vista is that the required system resources was a significant jump over XP, and too many manufacturers shipped machines that were simply too under-powered for the preinstalled OS. In those days, I remember seeing Vista laptops with 1 GB of RAM, on which Vista was unusable. People had to edit arcane registry settings to disable the 'Aero' look-and-feel, and drop down to a more Windows 95-like display just to run at all. It really was basically fraud, and infuriated everybody. If Microsoft had been more realistic about their 'certified for Vista' specs, it probably wouldn't have been such a flop.

Perbedaan Windows 2000 Windows Xp Windows Vista

On the other hand, new laptops jumping from 1 GB of RAM to 4 GB minimum overnight would have been a hard consumer sell, I suppose. Vista was the first Windows release I really felt was unsuitable for installing on most systems which were purchased before the OS was released. OEMs made the problem worse by pre-installing it on low-to-mid-range systems which had no business running it. Additionally, if you were running 64-bit Vista at release, there were significantly more driver issues than with the 32-bit version, though running the 32-bit version meant you could barely support enough RAM to let the system start performing well. UAC issues cleared up once all of the software developers got around to releasing the next versions of their applications, but MS took most of the blame. I can't really blame the developers for not wanting to make significant changes to their software before the final release of Vista, given the chain of events leading from XP to Vista. Many are already hard pressed to remember how rocky the XP release was, and that MS did much more in XP to make 3rd party applications work with the system.

In Vista they essentially took the extra step to warn the user that the application was misbehaving, rather than silently letting it happen. Some people got into the habit of disabling UAC by default and I had to convince one person who should have known better that he wasn't going to suffer from a deluge of support calls if he stopped disabling it in Windows 7 (and the handful of Vista systems still around). In the end, 7 put very little in terms of functionality or stability on top of Vista SP1, though Microsoft did put significant work into making it possible to run 7 on systems that didn't have the horsepower for Vista. The marketing push brought a lot of people around. I look at it as an essential part of the strategy they're currently using with Windows 10 (vs. 8), though they took the extra step of changing the underlying version number this time around (something they didn't do when going from Vista to 7). The biggest problems with continuing to run Vista are that the support window is rapidly closing and 7 will usually perform better on the same hardware (because they toned down the UI and put real effort into getting 7 to work on hardware that was previously running XP).