Self Unfoldment By Swami Chinmayananda Pdf Viewer
Jul 9, 2017 - Read a free sample or buy A MANUAL OF SELF UNFOLDMENT by Swami Chinmayananda. You can read this book with Apple Books on your.

In an age where scientific minded youngsters are turning away from religion, there is a great need for a clear, systematic and logical explanation of the ancient spiritual teachings of Hinduism. That is exactly what Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda has given us in Self Unfoldment - a step-by-step analysis of the thought development of Vedanta. In precise, simple and profound language, Gurudev takes us from the fundamental principles of life to the very highest philosophical truths in this spiritual masterpiece.
Self Unfoldment has inspired thousands of young people over the years, bringing out the noblest and best in them. Swami Chinmayananda, pioneered the art of conveying sublime knowledge intricately wrapped in Sanskrit scripture through the medium of English discourse and commentary.
On realising the true purpose of life he worked tirelessly and with tremendous energy for more than four decades to spread the message of Vedanta. A great writer, leader, patriot and spiritual giant: He brought about a spiritual renaissance of the Vedantic heritage to the world. A powerful orator with his own brand of wit and humour; he paints vividly the wisdom of the ages in front of us. His commentary on the Bhagavad Geeta and Upanishads are considered one of the best ever for their clarity and crisp logic.
The Three Principles By Swami Chinmayananda To realize our full spiritual Nature is to experience the fullness of life. As long as we have not attained this state of being, our intellect will continue to suggest methods for overcoming feelings of imperfection, which manifest as desires. Desires are nothing but an expression of the ignorance of our real Nature.
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This ignorance has made us identify with body, mind and intellect, and is the cause of our egocentric life of pains and limitations. Therefore, there is no achievement more sacred and glorious than the realization of our true identity with the unlimited, eternal Self. The purpose of religion is to eliminate ignorance through spiritual practices until the devotee comes to gain the light of wisdom. Ignorance, manifesting as desires on the mental plane, extend themselves as actions in the world. Therefore, spiritual masters advise that the most practical way of overcoming ignorance is through controlling our actions. Companies in brigade software tech park banashankari. They suggest that we first purify, and regulate these actions. All religions advocate qualities such as goodness, kindness, tolerance, mercy and selflessness. They insist on moral and ethical perfection as the fundamental condition for spiritual evolution. Without these qualities we will end up far short of the goal, even after a lifetime of devotion and worship.
Let us try to understand the scope of these moral and ethical values as explained in Hinduism. The three corner stones upon which the temple of Hinduism has been built are self-control, non-injury and truthfulness. The vast amount of spiritual literature in India is nothing but annotations, amplifications and commentaries upon these three principles. Ancient Indians planned their individual, communal and national life upon these three fundamental duties. When these values are practiced they enable us to master our mind, which leads to mastery over ourselves, and the world around us.