
Install Procedural Option Oracle 10G

Install Procedural Option Oracle 10G Average ratng: 3,9/5 4305 reviews

This section presents the steps involved when you create a database manually. These steps should be followed in the order presented. Before you create the database make sure you have done the planning about the size of the database, number of tablespaces and redo log files you want in the database. Regarding the size of the database you have to first find out how many tables are going to be created in the database and how much space they will be occupying for the next 1 year or 2.


The best thing is to start with some specific size and later on adjust the size depending upon the requirement Plan the layout of the underlying operating system files your database will comprise. Winning eleven 9 pc game download. Proper distribution of files can improve database performance dramatically by distributing the I/O during file access. You can distribute I/O in several ways when you install Oracle software and create your database. For example, you can place redo log files on separate disks or use striping. You can situate datafiles to reduce contention. And you can control data density (number of rows to a data block). Select the standard database block size.

This is specified at database creation by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter and cannot be changed after the database is created. For databases, block size of 4K or 8K is widely used Before you start creating the Database it is best to write down the specification and then proceed The examples shown in these steps create an example database my_ica_db Let us create a database my_ica_db with the following specification Database name and System Identifier SID=myicadb DB_NAME=myicadb TABLESPACES (we will have 6 tablespaces in this database. Step 5: After the above command finishes, the database will get mounted and opened.

Now create additional tablespaces To create USERS tablespace SQL> create tablespace users datafile ‘/u01/oracle/oradata/myica/usr.dbf’ size 100M; To create INDEX_DATA tablespace SQL>create tablespace index_data datafile ‘/u01/oracle/oradata/myica/indx.dbf’ size 100M Step 6: To populate the database with data dictionaries and to install procedural options execute the following scripts First execute the CATALOG.SQL script to install data dictionaries SQL>@/u01/oracle/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql The above script will take several minutes. After the above script is finished run the CATPROC.SQL script to install procedural option. SQL>@/u01/oracle/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql This script will also take several minutes to complete. Step 7: Now change the passwords for SYS and SYSTEM account, since the default passwords change_on_install and manager are known by everybody. SQL>alter user sys identified by myica; SQL>alter user system identified by myica; Step 8: Create Additional user accounts. You can create as many user account as you like. Let us create the popular account SCOTT.

SQL>create user scott default tablespace users identified by tiger quota 10M on users; SQL>grant connect to scott; Step 9: Add this database SID in listener.ora file and restart the listener process. $ cd /u01/oracle/network/admin $ vi listener.ora (This file will already contain sample entries. Copy and paste one sample entry and edit the SID setting) LISTENER = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST= = 1521)) ) ) SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc) (ORACLE_HOME =/u01/oracle) (PROGRAM = extproc) ) (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME=orcl) (ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle) ) ) #Add these lines in SID_LIST_LISTENER at the bottom of file (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME=myicadb) (ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle) ) Save the file by pressing Esc:wq Now restart the listener process. $ lsnrctl stop $ lsnrctl start Step 10: It is recommended to take a full database backup after you just created the database. How to take backup is deal in the Backup and Recovery Section. Congratulations you have just created an oracle database.