Drivers Licence Form Jamaica

Tax Type Definitions This site is compatible with assistive technology. • • • • • • Tax Types: Drivers Licence Fees You may select each link below for an explanation of the tax, who is expected to pay it, when it is due, associated penalties and interest and much more information. If you are seeking more detailed information on this tax type please. Explanation of Tax Types: Drivers Licence Fees - Full List New applicants are required to do the following: • Collect application form for a Provisional Driver's Licence from a Taxpayer Service Representative at the Collectorate. • Bring proof of age for those persons who, in the opinion of the Taxpayer Service Representative, appear to be under the age of 17 years.
Key grabber download. Renewing Jamaican Drivers Licence. Presence of a Notary Public or a Consular Officer at the Jamaican High Commission in Ottawa or the Consulate General of Jamaica in Toronto. The expired driver's licence, notarised form and photograph must be submitted to the collectorate for processing.
(Birth certificate or passport only or advice from Taxpayer Registration Centre.) • Present a confirmed Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN card only). • Prove that he/she can read by taking a reading test.
• Take along two photographs certified by a Justice of the Peace and the appropriate fee. • Complete the application form Upon satisfying the above, the client is given the completed form and is directed to the cashier to pay the appropriate fees and the licence issued. Download ryuichi sakamoto pure best rar file. Scenario 1 • Where a client is dispossessed of his Driver's Licence (i.e. Lost, misplaced or stolen) he must first report the matter to the police. • The police will issue a letter to the client to that effect, which he will take to the Island Traffic Authority ( ITA- 1 1/2 Manhattan Road, Kingston 5) along with two (2) passport size photographs. • The ITA checks for any judicial endorsements.
If none exists, a substitute application form is completed by the client and taken to the Collector of Taxes where the first licence was issued or where he did his last addition or upgrading. • At the Collectorate, the database is queried for the original information re: Competence and particulars of the Driver's Licence.
• If the information is found, the client completes the relevant form and may be asked to do a reading test. He/She will then proceed to pay the relevant fees and have his/her photograph taken and the licence issued. Scenario 2 • If the information is not found, the client is asked to return to the office in five (5) working days after a manual search is carried out.
• If the information is still not found after the manual search, the client may be referred to the Examination Depot where the first licence was issued or where he/she did his/her last addition or upgrading. • The licence is issued if the competence is found and the relevant fees paid. Scenario 3 • Where a judicial endorsement is found, the ITA sends a letter to the Collectorate to this effect. • The client is informed of the duration and circumstances surrounding the suspension or demerit points earned. • The letter is placed on the suspension file as well as noted on the system.
• On expiration of the suspension, the client returns to the ITA or in the rare situation the Court, which will give him a letter stating the suspension period is up and that he is now eligible to receive a Driver's Licence. • The client then takes the letter to the Collectorate where it is placed on file. The relevant fee is paid to retrieve the Driver's Licence. • To obtain an International Driver's Licence, the client must be the holder of a valid Jamaican Driver's Licence. • On attendance at the Collectorate, the client presents his Driver's Licence and two (2) passport size photographs to the relevant officer. • The client will be required to complete an application form. • The International Driver's Licence is issued if the client satisfies 1-3 above.