Hospice To Ibis Converter Mp3
IBIS2SPICE Intusoft Releases its Second-Generation IBIS2SPICE Converter Gardena, CA (August 2, 2004) -- Intusoft announced today the release of its second-generation IBIS-to-SPICE model conversion software. The enhanced program (IBIS2SPICE Converter) offers more power and ease of use than Intusoft's former version released in 1998. The new version supports all 14 IBIS model types, and converts IBIS models up to and including version 3.2. To generate SPICE models from an IBIS file, the user simply browses for the file and clicks the 'convert' button. All models are then quickly converted to accurate SPICE models for typical, best-case and worst-case process corners. The converter now uses an updated modeling template, which produces SPICE models that exhibit remarkable accuracy with Intusoft's IsSpice4 simulation kernel. SPICE models are generated for Input, Output, I/O, 3-state, Open-Source, Open-Drain and other I/O structures.

Further, the SPICE models can be easily added to the part browser inside Intusoft's ICAP/4 'SpiceNet' design entry system, an integral part of the analog, mixed-signal and mixed-system design automation tool suite. IBIS2SPICE Converter has also been a crucial element to the newly announced partnership with SiSoft, a signal integrity design-automation company. Barry Katz, president and CTO for SiSoft, commented that the OEM agreement with Intusoft, which includes Intusoft's IsSpice4 simulation kernel and the IBIS2SPICE Converter, has been a key enabler to penetrate the mainstream PCB signal integrity analysis market. License key for ummy video downloader. IBIS is a modeling technique that provides a simple table-based buffer model for semiconductor devices. IBIS models provide nonproprietary information about I/O buffers that are used to characterize I/V output curves, rising/falling transition waveforms and package parasitic information for a variety of digital devices. Minecraft military texture pack. IBIS only exposes tables of data for device I/O pins, while the generated SPICE model in turn produces corresponding piecewise linear signal representations. IBIS2SPICE Converter will be included free of charge with the following software packages: Test Designer, ICAP/4 Professional, ICAP/4Windows Power Deluxe, ICAP/4Windows RF Deluxe and ICAP/4Windows, in Intusoft's upcoming ICAP/4 software release in Q3 of 2004.
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