Download How To Draw Fantasy Females Pdf
If you want to learn how to draw a woman, perhaps the best place to start is to learn how to sketch a face. Beautiful portraits of women are easy to draw once you get the hang of it. We asked to show us how how to draw a woman’s face using with a step-by-step process. At the end of this tutorial, grab the PDF download if you want a copy to keep forever. How to Draw Female Faces This tutorial is a walkthrough of my own process for how to draw a face, and is by no means intended as strict instructions. As an artist the best thing you can do is develop a technique and approach that feels right to you, which is how I developed this process.
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The most important things to keep in mind throughout the drawing process are: • Expression: What kind of emotion do you want the face to portray? Try to choose an expression that says something about the state of the character (peaceful, angry, vulnerable, etc). For the sake of this tutorial, I will be drawing a face with a fairly neutral expression and straightforward angle, but it is worthwhile to explore more expressions than simply neutral or blank ones. • Life: I try not to focus too much on getting things ‘right’ (symmetry, perfect details, smoothness, etc) but instead concentrate on giving the face a sense of life and personality. I try to keep the personality of the original sketch preserved in the end result, and leave the smaller details until the way end. Setup in SketchBook The process I describe here can be applied to basically any digital drawing program that has basic layer and brush functions. When starting out, the most important things for me are: • A large canvas: I usually work on A3 format, 300 DPI, so that the quality is suitable for printing.
• Clutter-free workspace: I keep only the essential panels open, which for me are mainly my tools, layers, and color editor. • Useful shortcuts: If I have access to my eyedropper and navigation shortcuts, I’m good to go! Basic Shapes I try to keep my rough sketches as expressive as possible, trying to capture a sense of gesture and movement first and foremost. The details come later. Angles and Direction: This basic circles and lines technique works great for drawing a variety of angles.
By keeping the features simple and using dots for eyes, you can achieve a lot of movement with just these simple shapes, and get a good sense of the angle and positioning of the face. Head shape: For variety, you can experiment with different head shapes and jawlines. Different shapes create different character types. Rough Sketch New layer: Turn visibility on/off to quickly compare your sketch with the basic shapes from the previous step. When laying down the first rough sketch, I continue to think in shapes and curved lines rather than details. This is not only easier, but also helps give the face volume and depth. Eyes: I keep the eyes as simple as I can during the rough sketching phase, so I can focus on the expression before adding detail. I don’t draw the iris or reflections until later on.
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