Mono Data Sqlite Windows
Your scanner can receive the 800 band of frequencies. They would require a scanner that is able to receive digital. So, if your area has gone to Trunking, you may still be able to hear them. But as the section on Trunking explains, the same frequency may have a variety of conversations going. Like cell phones.
Mono.Data.Sqlite for restricted systems such as Silverlight/Windows Phone/WinRT This library is still quite early in testing, but it seems to work without any issues. I have copied the code from the Mono.Data.Sqlite, System.Data and System.Transactions directly from the Mono master. Running the Tests. There is a test for each platform (WindowsPhone, WindowsStore, Silverlight) for each assembly (System.Transactions, System.Data, Mono.Data.Sqlite). There is also a set of basic sample applications that build against the PCL, but use the native implementations for SQLite.
I tried to build for Windows Store, SDK Universal 10 but it do not work. However it works well in the Editor. Barbara creed the monstrous feminine pdf reader. I suspected the issue was related to sqlite but maybe not.
I copied Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll and System.Data.dll (from C: Program Files Unity Editor Data Mono lib mono 2.0) and also sqlite3.dll (from C: Program Files Unity Editor Data PlaybackEngines webglsupport BuildTools Emscripten_Win python DLLs) to Assets/Plugins in the unity project folder. I import System.Data, Mono.Data.Sqlite, System.Collections.Generic, System.IO, System.Text, System.Data.Linq, DbLinq in my db connections.js script. It works perfectly on Mac OSX, iOS and Android devices. The project is in UnityScript Unity version 5.2.1f1 and 5.2.1p1 (64bit) PRO Windows 10 Pro Visual Studio 2015 Community installed by Unity I also installed Windows standalone SDK for Windows 10 Please help!
Thank you for the reply. As you suggest, for the.DLLs in my Plugins folder Mono.Data.Sqlite, Sqlite3 and, I selected WSAPlayer Platform only. Unfortunately the same error occurs. Does the problem could maybe related to some path issue? Sentence '.doesn't exist in target framework' does appears many time in the error log.
Or could it be the fact that my scripts ar all UnityScripts instead of C#? I also tried to set Compilation Overrides to 'None' and to 'Use Net Core Partially' with the same result. I really can't understand. I just tried to build for Windows Store SDK 8.1 desktop (I installed Visual Studio Express 2013) instead of SDK Universal 10. Do not work, but a different error appears. Have you any ideas? This time it do not seem to be related to Sqlite.
UnityException: Failed to run reference rewriter with command --target='Temp StagingArea Assembly-UnityScript.dll' --additionalreferences='Temp StagingArea' --platform='C: Program Files (x86) Windows Kits 8.1 References CommonConfiguration Neutral Windows.winmd' --support='Temp StagingArea WinRTLegacy.dll' --supportpartialns=Unity.Partial --system=System --dbg=pdb --framework='C: Program Files (x86) Reference Assemblies Microsoft Framework.NETCore v4.5.1' --alt=System.Xml.Serialization --ignore=System.IConvertible,mscorlib. I had accidentally deleted System.Data.dll. Once I had put it in place, the following error is shown. It's similar to the error appeared setting the build option to Windows Store SDK Universal 10. Can't find some types in the framework.
I really would like to know if someone has found a way to work with Windows Store and Sqlite! UnityException: Failed to run reference rewriter with command --target='Temp StagingArea Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll' --additionalreferences='Temp StagingArea' --platform='C: Program Files (x86) Windows Kits 8.1 References CommonConfiguration Neutral Windows.winmd' --support='Temp StagingArea WinRTLegacy.dll' --supportpartialns=Unity.Partial --system=System --dbg=pdb --framework='C: Program Files (x86) Reference Assemblies Microsoft Framework.NETCore v4.5.1' --alt=System.Xml.Serialization --ignore=System.IConvertible,mscorlib. Error: type `System.EntryPointNotFoundException` doesn't exist in target framework.