Instpubs Sql
Dear Experts, Here is a question from a hyper-newbie. I’m trying to learn how to fit the whole SQL idea into my VB application program, which currently uses highly traditional random-access files (my skills are left-over from 25 years ago, before I became a biochemist). Ppd-1500 touch driver s. So I have downloaded thinks like MS Desktop Edition 2000 Release A of Microsoft SQL and installed it, yielding an instance with the following pathname: C: Program Files Microsoft SQL Server MSSQL$LEARNSQL I have also downloaded instpubs.sql, among other things, so that I can learn with a sample database.
The SQL INSERT INTO Statement. The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records in a table. INSERT INTO Syntax. It is possible to write the INSERT INTO statement in two ways. Dec 13, 2010 - instpubs.sql Search and download open source project / source codes from
As far as I know I have OLE DB, adodb.dll, an SDK, and everything else I need, although something could be missing or in the wrong place. My immediate goal is to install the sample 'pubs' database, but at this point I can't connect to any SQL server at all. When I type in osql -E to the command prompt, the reponse is [Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. [Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()). When I type osql -L, I get (local) CMSFP01 SERVER1 Could someone please kindly, kindly help? Thanks in advance, Michael Corey. Michael, are you a local administrator on the machine you installed MSDE (desktop engine) on?
By default, MSDE should allow administrators to connect with the '-E' option because of a SQL security group called 'buitin administrators'. This brings me to my next point. MSDE is absolutely a great product - probably one of the best free products I can think of. However, if you are truly trying to learn SQL, you should really consider SQL Personal edition or SQL Developer edition. I believe developer is approximately $50.00 but comes with SQL Enterprise Manager and SQL Query Analyzer - some visual tools that will DRAMATICALLY increase your comprehension of SQL server's cababilities. Check out this link: go to SQL server versions for special uses.
I think you will enjoy SQL server as much as VB! Well, Ryan, I hate to take up your day with this. Here's what happened. I successfully turned on Name Pipes and TCP/IP. Then I got a message saying that I would have to turn SQL services off and on again for the enablements to take effect.
I tried to do that, but the manager listed only the two servers that were there before, and I was not allowed to connect to either of them. My instance was not there.
Now I tried OSQL -E, but I got a DIFFERENT error message from before: [Shared Memory]Invalid Connection. [Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Invalid Instance). So I restarted the machine, and NOW my instance (MJC LEARNSQL) was there in the manager, and I was allowed to stop and start services. The manager responded 'Starting services.'
And then 'Running services.' But when I tried OSQL -E, I got the same 'Invalid Connection' and 'Invalid Instance' messages. I wonder why my instance was not listed in the manager before the reboot. Thanks again, Michael. Micheal, instances can be tricky - they usually indicate that more than one set of SQL executables are running on your machine. First - go back to the utility and make sure that your MCH LEARNSQL instance is selected - and not your default instance (MCH).
Make sure that Named Pipes and TCP/IP are enabled for your specific instance. Then restart services.
You can restart services by go to Start-->Settings-->Control Panel-->Administrative Tolols-->Services: MSSQLSERVER (or maybe MSSQLSERVER$LEARNSQL.I don't have an 'instance' to experiment with) and right click on the service to select 'RESTART'. Now try OSQL - E If it still doesnt work, try: OSQL -S MCH LEARNSQL -E Let me know if that works. You can't post new topics. You can't post topic replies. You can't post new polls.
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