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Brief Financial Analysis (BFA) • BFA has to be under the Customer name • Names of Company and Customer must be the same with data in our system • Information of interest income received from product in Citibank must be states. If the interest is less than IDR 10 Million per month, customer needs to submit another supporting document from other bank with information of income more than IDR 10 Million per month • BFA must be signed by CitiGold Executive and Branch Manager along with their names and positions. • Customer may contact Relationship Manager to obtain BFA.
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Brief Financial Analysis (BFA) • BFA has to be under the Customer name • Names of Company and Customer must be the same with data in our system • Information of interest income received from product in Citibank must be states. If the interest is less than IDR 10 Million per month, customer needs to submit another supporting document from other bank with information of income more than IDR 10 Million per month • BFA must be signed by CitiGold Executive and Branch Manager along with their names and positions. • Customer may contact Relationship Manager to obtain BFA. Personal SPT/under Customer Name (SPT 1770 and SSP/BPS/BPN) • Not SPT 1770S or SPT 1770SS • SPT states 15 digits of NPWP • SPT must be signed by Customer with chop from Tax Authority/post office/authorized bank for tax registration • Year in SPT and SSP (Surat Setoran Pajak)/BPS (Bukti Penerimaan Surat)/BPN (Bukti Penerimaan Negara) must be the same • SPT must state amount value at point 5 (Net Income) and 14 (Pph terhutang) must be present • SSP has to have stamp and signature from authorized party.
Personal SPT/under Customer Name (SPT 1770 and SSP/BPS/BPN) • Not SPT 1770S or SPT 1770SS • SPT states 15 digits of NPWP • SPT must be signed by Customer with chop from Tax Authority/post office/authorized bank for tax registration • Year in SPT and SSP (Surat Setoran Pajak)/BPS (Bukti Penerimaan Surat)/BPN (Bukti Penerimaan Negara) must be the same • SPT must state amount value at point 5 (Net Income) and 14 (Pph terhutang) must be present • SSP has to have stamp and signature from authorized party. Brief Financial Analysis (BFA) • BFA has to be under the Customer name • Names of Company and Customer must be the same with data in our system • Information of interest income received from product in Citibank must be states. If the interest is less than IDR 10 Million per month, customer needs to submit another supporting document from other bank with information of income more than IDR 10 Million per month • BFA must be signed by CitiGold Executive and Branch Manager along with their names and positions. • Customer may contact Relationship Manager to obtain BFA. Personal SPT/under Customer Name (SPT 1770 and SSP/BPS/BPN) • Not SPT 1770S or SPT 1770SS • SPT states 15 digits of NPWP • SPT must be signed by Customer with chop from Tax Authority/post office/authorized bank for tax registration • Year in SPT and SSP (Surat Setoran Pajak)/BPS (Bukti Penerimaan Surat)/BPN (Bukti Penerimaan Negara) must be the same • SPT must state amount value at point 5 (Net Income) and 14 (Pph terhutang) must be present • SSP has to have stamp and signature from authorized party. Brief Financial Analysis (BFA) • BFA has to be under the Customer name • Names of Company and Customer must be the same with data in our system • Information of interest income received from product in Citibank must be states.
L'EP 666 nous avait d. The Stench Of Redemption nous propose un Deicide nouveau, surpuissant, ravageur et. Descarga>> Deicide - The Stench Of Redemption 666 (EP) Deicide - The Stench Of Redemption (2006) Track List: 1. Deicide the stench of redemption 666 ep rare earth.
If the interest is less than IDR 10 Million per month, customer needs to submit another supporting document from other bank with information of income more than IDR 10 Million per month • BFA must be signed by CitiGold Executive and Branch Manager along with their names and positions. • Customer may contact Relationship Manager to obtain BFA. Personal SPT/under Customer Name (SPT 1770 and SSP/BPS/BPN) • Not SPT 1770S or SPT 1770SS • SPT states 15 digits of NPWP • SPT must be signed by Customer with chop from Tax Authority/post office/authorized bank for tax registration • Year in SPT and SSP (Surat Setoran Pajak)/BPS (Bukti Penerimaan Surat)/BPN (Bukti Penerimaan Negara) must be the same • SPT must state amount value at point 5 (Net Income) and 14 (Pph terhutang) must be present • SSP has to have stamp and signature from authorized party. Brief Financial Analysis (BFA) • BFA has to be under the Customer name • Names of Company and Customer must be the same with data in our system • Information of interest income received from product in Citibank must be states. If the interest is less than IDR 10 Million per month, customer needs to submit another supporting document from other bank with information of income more than IDR 10 Million per month • BFA must be signed by CitiGold Executive and Branch Manager along with their names and positions. • Customer may contact Relationship Manager to obtain BFA.