Dark Age Patcher.exe
System Imported from: Dark Age of Camelot. October 2018 edited October 2018 in News and Announcements. Patch 1.125 is now up on the Pendragon test server! You will need to delete the mft.myp in your game's directory and run the patcher again. For those interested in testing on Pendragon, follow the character copy process here!
Hi, thanks for your reply. No mumble installed. I'll double-click the game, clientpatcher loads into the background, and then nothing - no launcher, nada. Clientpatcher sits in the background on about 12% of CPU and 30 megs of RAM, but otherwise doesn't change.
In desperation, I'd copied it over from another computer that DID run it (my old gaming system, knowing I'd have gigs of updates, but certain it was a good install), same thing. So now I've renamed that directory and tried a fresh install. About 40megs is installed (ie the game, with nothing downloaded) and.same thing. Never pops up the launch window, nothing. I even let it run overnight, in case it might be downloading or something in the background somehow - nothing, directories are still ~40 megs originally installed.

One point to clarify: this SYSTEM did run it, but then several weeks ago a piece of work software really bollixed my system, and I re-installed win7 64 clean.so I can't honestly say it 'ran on this machine' precisely, as it didn't run on this install of the OS. I can list fixes iv done which. May help you.
Set the secret world to high priority Run the client instead of the patcher If running thru steam start the patcher from the install folder There is a dxweb.exe or something very similar that will fix some problems try running that. Close EVERYTHING, Anti virus, VOIP services, absolutely everything. Then run the game. It once ran eventually after starting it up, it sat there at 10 percent cpu for about an hour then FINALLY started up. So if its really unfixable.
Maybe plan your game time an hour or two ahead. Anyways hope this helps but if nothing works then you might be in the same boat as me buddy.
Click to expand.No, it can't, but it won't need to. In order to be able to manage more than a little less than 4GB of memory, 64-bit numbers must be supported by the operating system as well as the application. Age of Conan (and every other game out there, including Crysis) aren't going to need to use more than 4GB for quite a bit into the future. Now, there are obviously many more reasons than expanded memory management for there to be 64-bit applications, but in the area of RAM, you're not going to have to worry. Click to expand.Yes, that would be true if we were running Vista 32. However, there is nothing stopping devs from making 32-bit programs that use up to 4GB.
They would just have to be running on a 64-bit operating system. We don't know if the guys who made Age of Conan implemented support for this or not, although we could always check to see if the program ever rises above 2GB at any specific time. Using more than 4GB would theoretically require a 64-bit application running on a 64-bit OS because the application needs to reference the 64-bit memory addresses which fall higher than it could read if it were a 32-bit app. (BTW, I'm not sure if DirectX falls within OS mappable memory or not. If that's the case, then all 32-bit programs must use only 2GB of memory regardless of OS because the app itself needs to reference these libraries while the game is running) Most of the time when games put things in the page file, it is precached textures and the like.
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The applications could use more memory and accomplish the same thing, but texture streaming in games is good enough now that we don't have to really worry about that. We could fill up the memory with textures not currently in vram, but it's like putting uncompressed sound in MGS4: it will make things slightly bit better, but not better when accounting for the fact that it would take double the amount of space. I suppose in games with really bad stuttering problems it might fix things.