Contourner Activation Windows Xp Demarrage
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What is Sysprep? • • 11 minutes to read In this article The System Preparation (Sysprep) tool prepares an installation of Windows for duplication, auditing, and customer delivery.
Duplication, also called imaging, enables you to capture a customized Windows image that you can reuse throughout an organization. Audit mode enables you to add additional device drivers or applications to a Windows installation. After you install the additional drivers and applications, you can test the integrity of the Windows installation. Sysprep also enables you to prepare an image to be delivered to a customer.
When the customer boots Windows, Windows Welcome starts. Sysprep must be used only to configure new installations of Windows. You can run Sysprep as many times as required to build and to configure your installation of Windows. However, you can reset Windows activation only up to three times. You must not use Sysprep to reconfigure an existing installation of Windows that has already been deployed.
Use Sysprep only to configure new installations of Windows. If you intend to transfer a Windows image to a different computer, you must run sysprep /generalize, even if the computer has the same hardware configuration. The sysprep /generalize command removes unique information from your Windows installation, which enables you to reuse that image on different computers. The next time you boot the Windows image, the specialize configuration pass runs. During this configuration pass, many components have actions that must be processed when you boot a Windows image on a new computer. Any method of moving a Windows image to a new computer, either through imaging, hard disk duplication, or other method, must be prepared with the sysprep /generalize command.
Moving or copying a Windows image to a different computer without running sysprep /generalize is not supported. This topic includes: • Benefits of Sysprep • Common Sysprep scenarios • Limitations of Sysprep • Dependencies of Sysprep • Technologies related to Sysprep • Related information Benefits of Sysprep Sysprep provides the following benefits: • Removes system-specific data from Windows. Sysprep can remove all system-specific information from an installed Windows image, including the computer security identifier (SID). The Windows installation can then be captured and installed throughout an organization. • Configures Windows to boot to Audit mode. Audit mode enables you to install third-party applications and device drivers, as well as to test the functionality of the computer.
• Configures Windows to boot to Windows Welcome. Configures a Windows installation to boot to Windows Welcome the next time the computer starts. In general, you configure a system to boot to Windows Welcome immediately before delivering the computer to a customer. • Resets Windows Product Activation. Ibm system p5 serial connection on laptop.
Sysprep can reset Windows Product Activation up to three times. Common Sysprep Scenarios Sysprep is commonly used in the following scenarios: Creating a Build-to-Plan (BTP) Windows Image In the build-to-plan (BTP) scenario, you create a single Windows reference image to install computers that use the same hardware configuration. You customize the single Windows reference installation by installing Windows and then adding additional drivers and applications.