Cofee Microsoft Forensic Tool Download
May 26, 2017 - Microsofts automated computer forensic utility cofee computer online forensic evidencelegal beagles from software bully microsoft have. Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor also said (COFEE) is a tool kit, developed by Microsoft, to help computer forensic investigators extract evidence from a Windows computer. Installed on a USB flash drive or other external disk drive, it acts as an automated forensic tool during a live analysis.
Cops doing already have a ton of tools to choose from, but Microsoft is doing its part to help out as well -- the company just revealed that it's been distributing a special thumb drive to cops in 15 countries to help them identify and extract information from suspects' computers. The drive, called COFEE for Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor, is in use by more than 2,000 officers, including some in the States, and Microsoft is giving it away for free, saying that its doing it not for profit but to 'help make ensure the Internet stays safe.' COFEE contains more than 150 commands that can be used to collect information, decrypt passwords, and poke through network activity, which helps alleviate the problem of having to a suspect's computer for evidence purposes -- officers can just plug in the drive. There's no word on when Microsoft will start widely distributing the drives, but we'd assume it'll be soon. [Thanks, Yoshi].
If this is the old news I apologize. I just find out that Microsoft's COFEE (Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor) tool was leaked on to the Internet in November 2009. In response to this, Microsoft has issued take-down notices to sites hosting their forensic tool. The take-down notices are being issued because the software, although made up of tools which are easily available, is still classified as proprietary software, and so it cannot be distributed without Microsoft's permission. So I just google it and find out that first link in 'microsoft cofee download' search gave me the site where can be download COFEE v1.12. And of course I can't be held responsible for abuse of this information!