Cics Abend Codes Manual
Examine the AD2U dump to determine what SQLCODE and reason code you are receiving. You can locate the reason code by entering a find on the term SQLCA in the transaction dump. You should find it in the eyecatcher area of a piece of task storage.
For example, you might see 00F30034 within the SQLCA area. Reason code 00F30034 is an Authorization failure. If THREADERROR(N906D) is specified, an error code is passed back to the application.

CICS abend codes are explained in the CICS Messages and Codes manual. The CICS adapter issues abend reason codes beginning with the letter Q (for. Page xv for an overview of the changes made to this manual. Technical changes or additions to the text and illustrations are. “Abend Codes” lists the NetView.
SQLCODE -922 indicates an Authorization Failure. Subsequent requests from the application would receive an SQLCODE -906. Pokemon xd gamecube iso deutsch connectors. Following is a more detailed explanation of taken from the DB2 Messages and Codes manual: Explanation The authorization ID associated with this connection is not authorized to use the specified plan name or the specified plan name does not exist. System action The request to allocate a plan to the authorization ID is denied. User response Verify that the correct plan name was specified.
If this plan exists, then request execution authority to the plan from either the owner of the plan or from another person given authority to grant execution authority to the plan.