Backgammon By Paul Magriel Pdf Creator
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Backgammon, by Paul Magriel Backgammon Books Backgammon AUTHOR: Paul Magriel YEAR: 1976 PUBLISHER: Times Books CITY: New York ISBN: 0-8129-0615-2 BINDING: Hardcover PAGES: 404 SIZE: 27 cm high, 19 cm wide OTHER EDITIONS: READERS COMMENTS: ' Backgammon clearly explains how to play good backgammon in a way that no book before or since has quite matched. Having defined the rules and the basic game types, it explains with excellent examples the principles of duplication and diversification, and the strength of the 5-point. It lays out rules for when to play boldly and when to play safe, when to split your back men and when not to split them. Many other basic (and some not so basic) backgammon concepts are explained. The author leads the reader on the journey from complete novice to competent player. The one area of the game which the book covers only lightly is doubling, but even here there are some gems.'
Chris Bray, in I do not recommend this book to beginners. Yes, it was a masterpiece at the time it was written, and it is incredibly clear, but I rolled out the Advanced section excluding the openings chapter about 322 positions, and found 27 percent of them incorrect. I do not want to put wrong ideas into beginners' heads by recommending Paul Magriel's book when there are better books available.
I recommend instead because it contains some match theory and has a lot more about doubling theory. You can learn a lot if you roll out the positions and think about what Magriel got right and wrong. 'The best introduction to the game.
Covers basic checker play very well. If you read and thoroughly understand this book, you'll play a decent game. Weaknessesskimpy treatment of the doubling cube.'
, May 1992 'By far the most complete book on the game. A must for the serious minded backgammon enthusiast. It carefully explains the game's basic concepts, ideas and strategic principles.' , January 1984 'This book is the first book every aspiring backgammon player should read. After an introductory section in which he gives examples of the four most common types of game (running game, holding game, attacking game and priming game) and some basic doubling cube strategy and maths, Magriel goes on to tackle most of the fundamental points of chequer play. An understanding of these points will raise anyone's game from the 'hitting twice is fun, so it must be right' level to knowing what are the issues involved in a position, what sort of game one is trying to play, and how best to bring one's objectives about.
The main criticism of the book must be that it is weak on doubling strategy. This is surely as important as chequer play. There are a couple of chapters on doubling, but a systematic exposition of the subject, in the style of the rest of the book, would have made the book even more valuable than it already is.'
, 1996 'Magriel was a clear-minded, distinguished mathematician at the top of the backgammon world when he wrote Backgammon. It was the only truly analytic book about backgammon since Jacoby's and Crawford's and rendered all backgammon texts preceding it, and even some subsequent ones, obsolete as introductory texts.
Magriel systematically elucidates backgammon strategy, from fundamental to intermediate to advanced. The book does great justice to its topics in its well-diagrammed over-400 pages. It has passed the test of time as an introductory text, having been commonly referred to as 'The Bible' of backgammon. The disadvantages are that some important details of advanced topics (e.g., desirable backgame points), and even some major points of some beginning and intermediate topics (e.g., tradeoffs between positional and racing equity) are obsolete.
Also, the prose, though very readable, is structurally and stylistically weak.' , July 1993 'This is by far the best introductory book on backgammon. When I first read Magriel, about 15 years ago, I was very weak, and it transformed my game. I always recommend reading Magriel to anyone trying to improve.
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