
App Download Statistics By Country

App Download Statistics By Country Average ratng: 4,6/5 877 reviews

02 JAN 2012 The smartphone world is expanding at a rapid pace. There are already more than 1.08 billion smartphone users in the world, out of which, 91.4 million are from the United States.

Here you can see how many apps have been downloaded since the fight started. The number has been escalating, as the smartphone has increasingly become a commodity in our pockets. Windows Marketplace is also a big player on the market but download statistics are unfortunately not available yet.

To help you understand the world of smartphone users in a better way, we have compiled some interesting data in our infographic “Smartphone Users Statistics and Facts “ Infographic by- To Publish this Image on your Blog or Website. Copy this code Infographic by- GO-Gulf Did you Know Out of the 5 billion mobile phone users in the world, 1.08 billion are smartphone users More than 91.4 million smartphones users are from the U.S Smartphone platform Android has the highed market share of 46.9% 89% of smartphone users use their smart phones throughout the day 92% of smartphone users use their smarphone to send text messages to other phones. Whereas, 84% of users use their smartphones for browsing the internet The age group of 25-34 has the highest smartphone penetration rate of 62% 50% of Android Smartphones and 43% of Apple iPhone users are younger than 34 Years. 53% of smartphone users are male and 47% are female Android Smartphone owners consume the highest amount of data at 582 Mbs a month, while iPhone owners on consume 492 Mbs of data a month on average Apple iPhone users download the maximum applications per month, which is 48 Downloading applications is the most popular data usage acitivity for smartphone users Singapore has the highest smartphone penetration rate in world, which is 54% Source Links http://www.mobimatter.com/comscore-reports-november-2011-u-s-mobile-subscriber-market-share/. Download anime bakugan battle brawler batch. From http://www.miteksystems.com/blog/03/28/11/who-uses-a-smartphone.

UN CountryStats Free UN CountryStats is a data visualization tool to compare key economic, social, environmental and trade indicators for 217 countries and areas. Indicators are based on the newly released 2014 edition of the World Statistics Pocketbook and include data from 2005 to 2014. Indicators can be viewed as complete country profiles or visualized as bar graphs in country comparisons. Additional tools include the ability to save graphs as favourites and detailed definitions and sources for each indicator. UN Audio Channels Free Be up to date on what is happening in the United Nations and around the world, straight from the source. Msc adams 2013 license crack software free. Listen live and on-demand to the latest news bulletins and features stories, daily radio programs, interviews, daily press briefings and coverage of many UN General Assembly and Security Council meetings.

Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Kiswahili. This app allows users to have access to live stream programming; live call-to-listen access to programming; recorded programming; bandwidth selection; and interactive messaging services.

AppApp Download Statistics By Country

UNMAS Landmine & ERW Safety Free This app is designed to complement the Landmine and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Safety Handbook, produced by the United Nations. Its ultimate aim is to provide general landmine and ERW awareness and safety information to organisations and individuals working in the vicinity of areas affected by these devices in order to minimise the risk of accidents. On completing the various training sections, users are able to take the Landmine & ERW Safety Brief Test.

If they pass this test, users will be issued the UNMAS Landmine & ERW Safety Brief certificate. This app also allows people who work in the field to report hazardous items or areas directly to UNMAS. Your efforts in using this app may save someone's life and will reduce the effects of ERW & landmines on affected communities. Available in English, French & Spanish.

Humanitarian Kiosk Free The Humanitarian Kiosk (HKiosk) iOS app provides a range of up-to-the-minute humanitarian related information from emergencies around the world. The application has multiple independant kiosks which reflect locations where UN-OCHA operates or there is an ongoing international humanitarian emergency. Once installed, you simply select the kiosks that you are interested in and they will be automatically downloaded and synchronized to your mobile device. Syncing selected crisis means that you can see the information even when you are offline. Score the Goals Free 'Score The Goals: Teaming Up to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals' is an educational comic featuring ten football/soccer UN Goodwill Ambassadors, who are challenged to tackle the eight Millennium Development Goals along their journey towards being rescued. The youth-oriented comic book provides a fun interactive way to help understand, familiarise and reflect about poverty and development issues. The app includes the comic book in six languages: English, French, Spanish, Chinese, German, and Korean.